Contributions to group project

Inital EV topic
  • Brainstormed ideas about our topic with the team with the help of chatGPT and gemini
  • Discussed on some flaws of EVs where we can possibly improve on
  • Presented to the class as the role of the presenter on why did we choose EVs as our topic
  • Researched on how to solve our problem statement of EVs to charger mismatched with the help of chatGPT and gemini
Electric Ramp topic
  • Upon doing deep research, realized that it is not possible to create a universal adapter to have let EVs use different type of chargers, as the inherent protocols of different chargers (e.g. CHAdeMO to CCS)
  • Managed to convince groupmates that our current topic and solution is not feasible and we need to change topic before its too late. Despite initial hesitation, I was able to persuade them which was a positive pivotal turning point in the project.
  • Brainstormed the new topic on Masat's RE2 ramp and did research on the topic using chatGPT and gemini
  • Researched on the different types of electric ramp available and came to the RE2 ramp as it is directly integrated under the bus floor which is a novel technology.
  • Interviewed a bus enthusiast friend on bus protocols and the idea of an electric ramp.
Oral Presentation
  • Formatted and designed the slides (e.g. adding pictures of buses and highway in background, standardize fonts and theme, added animation)
  • Rehearsed with groupmates and gave constructive feedbacks to each other
  • Encouraged groupmates and gave practical tips prior to the oral presentation
Technical Report
  • Procured segments of relevant instructional units, example student work and APA website to guide groupmates on the technical report
  • Created the official document and formatted it according to APA style (e.g. created headings, sub headings, and numbering. formatted indents and content page) 
  • Standardized figures, tables and references accordingly to APA style  
  • Guided groupmates on formatting ways and ensure formatting stays intact 
  • Worked on background, implemented solution, advantages and benefits of the RE2 ramp


  1. I really appreciate the detail on your contributions in this reflection. Thanks, Austin.


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