
Initial Research Pathway (Dyson AM09)

Wenjun and I wanted something relatable to our daily lives We brainstormed for high quality household products that can improve the Qualify-of-life of the user Some of our considerations includes Vacuum Cleaners, Fans, Washing Machines. After much deliberation we settled on the Dyson's bladeless fan. I used ChatGPT to look into the different types of bladeless fan and we settled on AM09, the latest technology We then googled different websites selling AM09 including Dyson's main website Last but not least, we used the information gathered to form our summary

Letter to Professor Blackstone

Dear Professor Blackstone, My name is Austin, a Y1 student from SIT Mechanical Engineering. I am writing this letter in hopes for you to get to know me better. Before studying in SIT, I was enrolled in the Diploma of Mechatronics and Robotics in Singapore Polytechnic. My love for engineering started from young. I liked building Legos and model kits, and later would move on to build PCs and fix up broken devices for my friends and I. My other hobbies includes playing table tennis, playing chess, swimming and reading. You might be wondering why I made a slight pivot from Diploma in Robotics to a purely mechanical degree. This is because I felt my diploma was wide in breadth, but shallow in depth. It focuses on many aspects of engineering; we are taught mechanical, electrical and programming. After much deliberation to specialize in one aspect, I settled on a Mechanical Engineering degree as I feel it is easier to conceptualize, given that most of our work is observable to the naked

Our understanding on a quote

Our understanding on a quote  “I contend that we (engineers) are undervalued because of our widespread inability to explain what we do to the general public (and why it is so important). It is one of the hardest goals to accomplish, to be able to boil down difficult concepts into a short and easily understood presentation or elevator pitch.” Marybeth Miceli, President, Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, USA (2011) When the common man thinks about engineers and their contributions to society, we often get a common response of awe and respect; owing to the undeniable fact that without engineers, many of the goods and products that make our lives easier today would be non-existent. But, it may come as a shock to many that only a small percentage of engineers feel the value and appreciation people have for them and the own organizations that they work for. A significant survey by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers revealed that only 24% [1] of engineers believe their profession is valu